Sunlight and Snow at the Wharf

A couple of contrasting photos taken from our lounge window a couple of days apart.

I didn’t realise that I’d framed the shots almost identically until I put them into this post. It’s a view we still haven’t tired of. There are coots, cormorants, swans and ducks which all visit the dock.

Sunrise lights up the buildings of Canary Wharf

West India Dock with snow.

We saw a fox running along the dockside footpath past our window a few nights ago, and this morning his footprints were clearly visible in the snow.

4 thoughts on “Sunlight and Snow at the Wharf”

  1. Hi Maurice, it is a great view and the first thing we do each morningis open the curtains to have a look at it.
    Sadly the place is only rented, and we probably couldn’t really afford to buy it at the current prices. We keep having a look round the area for suitable places to buy but it’s a bit depressing due to the insanely high prices. It works out cheaper to rent, which is pretty much the opposite of what I expected.

    We’ll see how things work out later in the year, but in the meantime we’ll enjoy the view and look forward to summer when it wo’t be quite so damned chilly!

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