More On Spam

That should probably be “Moron Spam” but hey….

The spamming world seems to have been moving along recently. There was even an article on the BBC News site about How to make spam unstoppable. Of course, it wasn’t anything of the kind, it was simply someone finding that if you put words in that you’ve trained your Bayesian filter to think indicate that the message is not spam, then wow, the filter thinks the message isn’t spam.

Hardly rocket science or even useful for spammers. Maybe I’m missing something?

My SpamAssassin installation continues to get better, with virtually none of the “bayesian-killer” random word mails now getting through. I now only get one or two spam messages per day in my Inbox, and today’s only spam was a rant accusing the Dutch Minister of Justice of being corrupt.

Demon have finally introduced anti-spam measures, and that has cut down the amount of spam that comes in from that route, though quite a few messages still get through their filters.

I’ve recently noticed that a lot of spam sender addresses are faked using a pattern of “” where “xx” are any pair of letters. I can’t think of many reasons that his is done, but it does sometimes have the side-effect that some of the bounced spam might not end up in a real mailbox (but of course, the bit resolves, thereby getting past the “sender domain must resolve” rule that some servers apply).

Enough spam already……